Locomotion Opponents

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Matthew Clark

Locomotion Opponents

Post by Matthew Clark »

I'm impressed/annoyed with the opponents in Locomotion. I'm impressed that
the quality of the competition is greatly improved over TTD. At one point in
one of the scenarios, three of my competitors were worth more than $300
million while I was piddling along at 20 mil or so.

There are some things I don't like though... I don't like that you can't
turn off the competition altogether like you could in TTD. Further, I don't
like how difficult it is to do "war" with the competition. You can't buy
them out! You can't destroy their trains, buses and trucks. You can't buy
land in whole areas around their stations to prevent them from building.
Heck, you can't even buy land around your own stations to preserve space for
future expansion (a frustrating flaw). In essence, all of the little things
that made the competition in TTD so much fun are gone. Now, they're just

As an aside, I also think I should be able to control the color of the
competitors company. I realize that in "real life" I wouldn't be able to
tell another company to change colors, but for game play reasons it'd be
nice to have them change to colors which contrast each other instead of
blending end with each other.

Does any one share my frustrations with the opponents? Disagree?


Re: Locomotion Opponents

Post by Aquila »

"Matthew Clark" <clark...@hotmail.com> wrote in message
I'm impressed/annoyed with the opponents in Locomotion. I'm impressed that
the quality of the competition is greatly improved over TTD. At one point
in one of the scenarios, three of my competitors were worth more than $300
million while I was piddling along at 20 mil or so.

There are some things I don't like though... I don't like that you can't
turn off the competition altogether like you could in TTD. Further, I
don't like how difficult it is to do "war" with the competition. You can't
buy them out! You can't destroy their trains, buses and trucks. You can't
buy land in whole areas around their stations to prevent them from
building. Heck, you can't even buy land around your own stations to
preserve space for future expansion (a frustrating flaw). In essence, all
of the little things that made the competition in TTD so much fun are
gone. Now, they're just annoying...

As an aside, I also think I should be able to control the color of the
competitors company. I realize that in "real life" I wouldn't be able to
tell another company to change colors, but for game play reasons it'd be
nice to have them change to colors which contrast each other instead of
blending end with each other.

Does any one share my frustrations with the opponents? Disagree?

Have you tried altering the scenario in the editor so you have no
opponents(I realise that this probably won't work but it's worth a try)?

Re: Locomotion Opponents

Post by Ark »

Have you tried altering the scenario in the editor so you have no
opponents(I realise that this probably won't work but it's worth a try)?

This would work. Very easy - load the scenairo in the editor, change # of AI
opponents to whatever # pleases you, and you get a new scenario.
At tt-forums.net, someone even posted a complete set of all game scenarios
without the AIs

Re: Locomotion Opponents

Post by Bill »

I agree with you there, i would like to reserve land around my small
airports so when medium or large ones become available, i can upgrade
the airport with no hassles.

still love the game tho, i'm hooked....


On Mon, 27 Sep 2004 05:28:10 GMT, "Matthew Clark"
<clark...@hotmail.com> wrote:

You can't buy
land in whole areas around their stations to prevent them from building.
Heck, you can't even buy land around your own stations to preserve space for
future expansion (a frustrating flaw). In essence, all of the little things
that made the competition in TTD so much fun are gone. Now, they're just

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Joined: 02 Oct 2002 18:57
Location: Ithaca, New York

Re: Locomotion Opponents

Post by Patchman »

Bill wrote on Tue, 28 Sep 2004 06:31:19 GMT:
I agree with you there, i would like to reserve land around my small
airports so when medium or large ones become available, i can upgrade
the airport with no hassles.
Well, buying land wouldn't help so much. You can sort of do that by
building rails there, with junctions to prevent roads from crossing them.
However, that does not prevent people from bridging over them, nor would
buying land do that. But to build an airport, you need to "own" all the
airspace above it, or at least 10 or 15 units of height.

So even if you could buy the land you wouldn't necessarily be able to
upgrade your airport...

Josef Drexler | http://publish.uwo.ca/~jdrexler/
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Re: Locomotion Opponents

Post by Bill »

good thinking 99... i didn't think of that..


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