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Screenshot "Belgi"

Posted: 01 May 2024 13:17
by belgi
"Belgi" screenshots

I'll randomly put screenshots here from games I'm playing

Re: Screenshot "Belgi"

Posted: 01 May 2024 13:18
by belgi
In the vicinity of the once small border town, work began on the construction of railway repair yards in 1868. Land near an already existing railway station was chosen for practical reasons. Workshops and repair shops soon became the main workshops of the railways of that time and were expanded after only 6 years. In World War II, a large part of the workshops was destroyed by bomber raids. Immediately after the war, however, the restoration and further expansion of the workshops began. At that time, the workshops employed around 1,000 workers. The main focus of the workshops was the repair of steam express locomotives. After 1974, a new roadway was added (the original one burned down in 1955) and wagons were repaired in the workshops. In 1979, the last operational steam locomotive was repaired in the workshops, and the workshops reoriented themselves to the repair of electric and diesel-electric locomotives and railcars. After the changes in 1989, the political representatives of the state pushed for the privatization of the workshops, but the foresight of the railway experts did not allow it. The workshops are therefore still owned by the railways. They have recently been completely modernized, the buildings and facilities have been repaired. And the repair and maintenance of both current and historical vehicles began. And not only those owned by the state railway, but in the area you can also meet machines of private or foreign carriers. It is certain that the prevention of privatization was a good step and the workshop brings considerable financial profits to its owner.

(I admit to some inspiration from the history of the ŽOS České Velenice, surely many people recognized that)

Graphics: CZTR, GETS, Dutch station, Fridaemon, AUZ, Polish Buildings, Real Houses...

V blízkosti kdysi malého pohraničního městečka byly v roce 1868 zahájeny práce na výstavbě železničních opraven. Pro areál byly z praktického důvodu vybrány pozemky v blízkosti již existující železniční stanice. Dílny a opravny se zanedlouho staly hlavními dílnami tehdejších železnic a už po 6 letech byly rozšířeny. Ve 2. světové válce byla velká část dílen zničena nálety bombardérů. Hned po válce však započala obnova a další rozšíření dílen. Dílny v té době zaměstnávaly kolem 1000 pracovníků. Hlavním zaměřením dílen byly opravy parních rychlíkových lokomotiv. Po roce 1974 přibyla nová vozovka (původní vyhořela v roce 1955) a v dílnách bylo započato s opravou vagonů. V roce 1979 byla v dílnách opravena poslední provozní parní lokomotiva a dílny se přeorientovaly na opravy elektrických a dieselelektrických lokomotiv a motorových vozů. Političtí představitelé státu po změnách v roce 1989 prosazovali zprivatizování dílen, ale prozíravost železničních odborníků to nedovolila. Dílny jsou proto stále v majetku železnic. Nedávno byly zcela zmodernizovány, byly opraveny budovy a zázemí. A rozjela se oprava a údržba jak současných, tak i historických vozidel. A to nejen těch v majetku státní železnice, ale v areálu lze potkat i stroje soukromých nebo zahraničních dopravců. Je jisté, že zabránění zprivatizování byl dobrý krok a dílny přináší svému majiteli nemalé finanční zisky.

(přiznávám určitou inspirací dějin ŽOS České Velenice, to jistě mnozí poznali)

Grafika: CZTR, GETS, Dutch station, Fridaemon, AUZ, Polish Buildings, Real Houses...

Re: Screenshot "Belgi"

Posted: 01 May 2024 13:20
by belgi
(2.98 MiB) Not downloaded yet
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Re: Screenshot "Belgi"

Posted: 01 May 2024 13:21
by belgi
(2.15 MiB) Not downloaded yet
2024-05-01_ZOS_5.png (1.31 MiB) Viewed 461 times
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Re: Screenshot "Belgi"

Posted: 01 May 2024 13:22
by belgi
(1.79 MiB) Not downloaded yet

Re: Screenshot "Belgi"

Posted: 04 May 2024 19:46
by belgi
In 1932, the construction of an airport for the local Aeroclub began near the regional capital. The airport grew rapidly and owners of large companies began to use it to travel to business partners. During the World War, it was used by the occupiers, who built new halls for the assembly of fighter planes on the surrounding land. After the war, the airport became civilian again and, due to its excellent location, was used more and more for travelers traveling to tourist destinations, first in Europe, but increasingly for overseas flights. At the turn of the millennium, the airport was significantly modernized, a new security hall was built, the control tower was repaired and modernized, new internal roads, engineering networks and a security center were established. The airport has become an important transport hub for the entire region and is used by a huge number of both passengers and freight carriers.
Airport 1
Airport 1
2024-05-04_CB_Airport_000.png (606.73 KiB) Viewed 377 times
Airport 2
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Airport 3
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Re: Screenshot "Belgi"

Posted: 04 May 2024 19:46
by belgi
Airport 4
(1.13 MiB) Not downloaded yet

Re: Screenshot "Belgi"

Posted: 20 May 2024 08:48
by JohnFranklin523
Very good, I think I have never tried to make decorative airport so far... :bow: