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Re: Doctor Who (Warning: Waters of Mars spoilers from page 17)

Posted: 17 Nov 2009 07:43
by jonty-comp
JGR wrote:I don't honestly think it could take 3 tonnes of fuel for one kilo of weight. That sounds like it'd never get off the ground due to the weight of the fuel requiring more fuel than there is fuel. I agree that the base was ridiculously huge though.
Ha, I didn't think of that. Fuel is such a premium yet they fire up the engines on the rocket before everyone's even got in! :P

Dave Worley wrote:Unbelievable rubbish spouted.
Shut up you, it's fun to pick faults with sci-fi! :D Everyone does it with Stargate - nowadays if they make something that isn't completely possible all the nerds throw a hissy-fit. 8)

Re: Doctor Who (Warning: Waters of Mars spoilers from page 17)

Posted: 17 Nov 2009 10:41
by JamieLei
I'm more interested as into the "dystopia" that happened on the Earth, with a passing mention of oil wars and not a single human born in 5 years. But when they arrived in London it seemed so perfectly normal (apart from Ood Sigma appearing!)

Re: Doctor Who (Warning: Waters of Mars spoilers from page 17)

Posted: 17 Nov 2009 14:10
by Av_Vulcan
JGR wrote:I don't honestly think it could take 3 tonnes of fuel for one kilo of weight. That sounds like it'd never get off the ground due to the weight of the fuel requiring more fuel than there is fuel. I agree that the base was ridiculously huge though.
The fuel for extra weight is for a complete, already loaded design. As in, it would take another 3 tonnes of fuel to carry that extra kilo across the distance, not 3 tonnes for any kilo of mass. Just like if you go on a plane and have to pay extra for taking on too much luggage. Remember in this case most of the fuel needed would be to get the craft off Earth in the first place.

I suppose I should point out that I liked the episode in general, though did wonder why he didn't take them to a different planet about halfway through. Then again I would have preferred it if the Doctor had to be the one to blow them and the base up, as opposed to what happened.

Re: Doctor Who (Warning: Waters of Mars spoilers from page 17)

Posted: 18 Nov 2009 13:44
by Lord Aro
Badger wrote: ....thought the best bit was the trailer for the next episode.
definately, cant wait

Re: Doctor Who (Warning: Waters of Mars spoilers from page 17)

Posted: 18 Nov 2009 17:12
by Brianetta
jonty-comp wrote:Shut up you, it's fun to pick faults with sci-fi!
Science fiction needs to contain both science and fiction, otherwise it's either one, the other, or neither. A fictional story exploring the possibilities presented by science. There's very little actual science fiction in popular media. A notable example is the feature film, "Contact," with Jodie Foster.

Doctor Who isn't really science fiction; it's drama. It's damned good drama. I'm a fan of both drama and science fiction.

Re: Doctor Who (Warning: Waters of Mars spoilers from page 17)

Posted: 18 Nov 2009 17:53
by Louie Armstrong
I liked it!

Re: Doctor Who (Warning: Waters of Mars spoilers from page 17)

Posted: 25 Dec 2009 23:56
by orudge
Well. That was an interesting cliffhanger!

Re: Doctor Who (Warning: End of Time spoilers from page 18)

Posted: 26 Dec 2009 09:29
by jonty-comp
It certainly has my interest. I wonder if they're actually going to bring back the Timothy Dalton race? :P Because it would be quite awesome if they did. And it would give them an actual excuse to redecorate the TARDIS!

Re: Doctor Who (Warning: End of Time spoilers from page 18)

Posted: 13 Oct 2014 11:19
by Pingaware
Dig-diggy-dig-dig all day long.

I remember when this thread was updated regularly. So, on the off-chance that there are still people on the forums watching Doctor Who, what do you think of Capaldi's tenure so far? Personally, I really like his characterisation, but feel the plots have been a little thin at times so far. Also, I'm missing the big impressive double-parters. They've generally been a highlight of the new series, and it's a shame we've not had any yet with the 12th Doctor.

Re: Doctor Who (Warning: End of Time spoilers from page 18)

Posted: 13 Oct 2014 17:30
by Born Acorn
Moffatt swore off them I believe. Which is a shame as there have definitely been episodes since "The Almost People" way back in 2011 which I think were paced too fast as a result of being shoehorned into one episode.

I think we are getting one as the finale, hopefully marking a return.

Re: Doctor Who (Warning: End of Time spoilers from page 18)

Posted: 13 Oct 2014 17:40
by Redirect Left
I think the episode last saturday (Mummy On the Orient Express) was probably one of the better ones of Capaldis tenure so far, with just the right amount of references to the past, such as the jelly babies.

Re: Doctor Who (Warning: End of Time spoilers from page 18)

Posted: 13 Oct 2014 21:29
by Dave
I didn't think my love for Peter Capaldi could grow anymore but his Doctor is absolutely stellar.


Re: Doctor Who (Warning: End of Time spoilers from page 18)

Posted: 13 Oct 2014 22:33
by Redirect Left
hah, just re-watched the latest, noticed he puts on a mock fourth doctor accent at one point too, love it!

Re: Doctor Who (Warning: End of Time spoilers from page 18)

Posted: 14 Oct 2014 03:35
by SquireJames
Having recently purchased and watched "The Trial of a Timelord" , I think the thing with Capaldi is the same as with Colin Baker. You can tell they both love being The Doctor, that it's more than just a role for them. Tennant was pretty good in the regard too, whereas I just didn't get that feeling from Matt Smith. So many of the stories he was in I thought sounded excellent in synopsis, but left me feeling "Tennant would have done that better", and now if I watch them again I know I'll think "Tennant or Capaldi could have done that better"

I also think Frank Skinner proves a long running theory I've had regarding companions and extras in Doctor Who; Comedians work best. The show is just self-aware enough to know it's a bit cheesy, and having comedians in the same sort of tongue-in-cheek "I am acting seriously but my eyes say this is all a bit of a larf" way works really well. Look at Catherine Tate, James Corden, and Bernard Cribbins.

I think the whole point is you need a Doctor and his sidekicks to have fun. It's a bit theatrical, a tiny bit pantomime, that even in peril, they're all kind of smiling.

Re: Doctor Who (Warning: End of Time spoilers from page 18)

Posted: 14 Oct 2014 03:41
by Redirect Left
A part of me was actually hoping Frank Skinners character was going to say yes to the Doctors offer, just cause I'd have loved to have seen him in another episode. I loved his character, well played. I didn't know Frank Skinner could act so well. Perhaps his offer will come up at a later episode, may even be a setup for a later companion, I can only hope...

Re: Doctor Who (Warning: End of Time spoilers from page 18)

Posted: 14 Oct 2014 09:54
by Pingaware
SquireJames wrote:I also think Frank Skinner proves a long running theory I've had regarding companions and extras in Doctor Who; Comedians work best. The show is just self-aware enough to know it's a bit cheesy, and having comedians in the same sort of tongue-in-cheek "I am acting seriously but my eyes say this is all a bit of a larf" way works really well. Look at Catherine Tate, James Corden, and Bernard Cribbins.
Really good point, except I don't agree about Catherine Tate. I still think Donna was my least favourite new series companion, even over Martha, the usual choice for most people.

Re: Doctor Who (Warning: End of Time spoilers from page 18)

Posted: 15 Oct 2014 19:26
by orudge
I wasn't overly impressed with Donna in her Christmas special, but by the end of series 4 she had turned out to be fairly good I think.

Enjoying Peter Capaldi, good stuff indeed.

Re: Doctor Who (Warning: End of Time spoilers from page 18)

Posted: 16 Oct 2014 12:20
by Dave
Donna Noble was a very good character in the end. Once they'd decided to take her away from the shouting route it was great.

Capaldi's reaction when Clara told him a few home truths at the end of the school episode was brilliant.

Not sure I've ever seen the doctor look genuinely hurt before. He looked very vulnerable.

I'm actually enjoying this series because it's sacked off the long story arcs which had started to grate. This series seems like good old fashioned Doctor saves everyone storylines. I'm bored of series themes like Amy Pond (who eventually got really annoying) and the frigging Silence!

Re: Doctor Who (Warning: End of Time spoilers from page 18)

Posted: 17 Apr 2015 17:54
by Redirect Left
It appears that there are, or were plans for a Doctor Who movie,

From reading, it seems it may occur sometime
[..]expected that it will happen after that within the 8 year horizon
Entire thing may be shaky though, as it is based upon leaked documents from the Sony hack last year.

Re: Doctor Who (Warning: End of Time spoilers from page 18)

Posted: 27 Jun 2015 17:25
by Illegal_Alien
They *beeped* it up big time.