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Re: When did you start playing TTO ?

Posted: 11 Sep 2008 23:07
by Eruresto
I got the demo when I was four - all I knew how to do was build stonking long bridges across water :D

Then got the game for my 5th birthday, spent my entire day playing it. Played it continually till we got rid of the old computer (was packing in) then found the original disc about 3 years ago. That stopped working eventually and then I found TTD! It's a classic - and I'm still as addicted now as I was on my 5th Birthday (I'm now 17).

Re: When did you start playing TTO ?

Posted: 06 Jun 2009 20:41
by ironballz
I started playing this in 1995. There was a magazine demo of it, and I could only build and buy trains (oh the torture! How could they do this!?!) So I pirated it. I liked it so much that I bought TTD when it was released.

Re: When did you start playing TTO ?

Posted: 13 Jun 2009 15:44
by stelepe
6 years ago. Then I stopped playing it and started playing locomotion last year and today I got tt-original for playstation! Its great. I never grow tired of it.

Re: When did you start playing TTO ?

Posted: 13 Jun 2009 15:46
by Benny
I never did. I found out about OpenTTD in 2007 and TTO and TTDX in christmas 2008->2009.

Re: When did you start playing TTO ?

Posted: 20 Jun 2009 06:44
by Vimpster
I came across the game in 1995 while browsing the game isle at futureshop and thought it looked really interesting so I bought it. I remember making a bus route go out to the middle of no where thinking that dropping people off there would create a new town, lol. I played the game for a number of years and even got my brother and dad hooked on it for a while. wasn't till many years later that I even found out that a TTD and OTT existed and that there was an online community for the game.

I never really got into those though because they were missing a very critical feature that the original game had that I couldn't live without, where the towns only grew to about 5-8k but if you pushed them hard like an industry they would blossom into metropolises of 10-20k. I enjoyed that much better since the towns would only grow really big if I put the effort into making them that big. Where as in TTD and OTT the cities grew to their max size without any effort on your part just like they do in Locomotion. I did however get into Locomotion even though it lacked the feature also but it made up for it in many other ways fortunately.

Re: When did you start playing TTO ?

Posted: 11 Mar 2010 07:32
by Sensation Lover
I've tested it for Chris :lol: ... I'm kidding ... the first time i played it was in '99

Re: When did you start playing TTO ?

Posted: 30 Apr 2010 19:55
by Proteus
1994 or 95

Re: When did you start playing TTO ?

Posted: 26 Jun 2010 21:14
by Samu
I don't remember. It was a 2 diskette game and I was still using DOS 6.21 and Windows 3.11

Edit: there was a very annoying problem with it. Moving the screen always caused the sound to do some cracky noises, until I found out my Pro Audio Spectrum was configured wrongly. Later on I heard of a Cyrrus Logic / Pro Audio incompatibility in that game, too late, I changed to the marvelous Sound Blaster AWE 32 and an amazing S3 Virge! Problem solved.

Re: When did you start playing TTO ?

Posted: 06 Jul 2010 14:59
by FatIgor
Hi Guys.

This is a cool site. Was talking to my son about the game today, and found this place.

I first played it around 96. I ported the original version over to the Mac, both English and Japanese versions.

Plus my C code was used for the playstation version.



Re: When did you start playing TTO ?

Posted: 24 Dec 2010 20:11
by Clockworker
It must have been 1998 or 1999 - I recall making a straight rail ending right at the Sawmill "door" and wondering it didn't work. It was a demo where I could only build trains for two years before the game closed. I slowly learned to play watching the AI, always envious by the fact that I couldn't create planes :/

Re: When did you start playing TTO ?

Posted: 24 Jan 2011 12:09
by 1993matias
I started playing yesterday, when I found the game and DOSBox. As I'm a former addict of Locomotion and Simutrans, I found out fast how to play. Currently, I have a few buses and a railway link.

Re: When did you start playing TTO ?

Posted: 31 Jan 2011 15:49
by oberhümer
Come on, TTO? Get OpenTTD, it's so much better!

Re: When did you start playing TTO ?

Posted: 31 Jan 2011 22:12
by hawk
I first played TTO around 94-95. My older brother had bought the original version (the one with the real vehicle names) on floppy disks.
I had stopped playing it for ages and lost that copy. Then around 2003-2004 I remembered the game and I wanted to play it again. I didn't even know there was a deluxe version until around 2003 when I found this forum.

Re: When did you start playing TTO ?

Posted: 06 Aug 2011 09:54
by eastpath
I have the image of my hard drive from my 386 that I first ran it on and I installed it on 17th December 1994, purchased on floppy disk. Here is the "About" dialogue screen shot from an archive copy of the original install:
TTO2.png (150.95 KiB) Viewed 27613 times
I still have a few magazine cover CDs from that period, so I will check to see if I have a trial version. I recall that my son installed one in 1994 (he was only 5 at the time but became an addict). I posted separately under the Memories of TTO thread. How many original players from 1994 can we get along to the Manchester meet? I will try and get there, just need to juggle work arrangements around it so hopefulyl will be there.

Re: When did you start playing TTO ?

Posted: 22 Aug 2012 19:39
by teccuk
I got the demo off of a magazine in 1995. It was the first game I bought with money from a part time job at B&Q

I found an old floppy disk with some save games a few months ago. In my mind these sprawling games were epic, full of interest and complexity... wow, they really sucked.

Not having one way signals! Agghh.

Got TTDX of course, which only got tiresome after 2002 or so, as i had the add on thing, can't remember what its called.... Then i discovered OTTD. Still playing 15 years on :shock:

When did you start playing TTO ?

Posted: 29 Aug 2012 01:22
I think I started playing in atleast 1997, and I'm still hooked!! Its amazingly addictive...

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