Creating Passenger Networks in Transport Tycoon

Talk about the new mobile version of Transport Tycoon (for iOS and Android) released in 2013.
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Creating Passenger Networks in Transport Tycoon

Post by Werebear »

I have seen other transport simulators that let me pick up passengers (or many other cargoes), drop them off at a mid point for aggregation, and then pick them up to take them to a final destination.

I know that things like SimCity (in theory) let the Sims route themselves through transport mechanisms until they succeed and get to their destination, or give up and go home.

But passengers in this simulation seem to not have anywhere they want to go, as far as I can tell. For instance, I've got catchment stations set up around a town that pick up passengers. If I pick them up, everybody seems happy. If I transport them to another (empty) catchment station, all of the passengers I dropped off seem to disappear. They don't seem to wait around until the next ride takes to wherever they really want to go.

I've never seen them stay on the bus - for instance, a passenger who doesn't want this stop, but wants the next one down.

And they don't seem to go wait in the station.

So where do they go? Where do they want to go?

On the one hand, yay for compliant passengers who always go exactly where I want them to go.

Is it the case that for things like Passengers, they only want to be picked up, and taken - anywhere - else? Grass greener or something?

Is there somewhere I could look this sort of thing up?


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Re: Creating Passenger Networks in Transport Tycoon

Post by kamnet »

Nope, that's the default model for passengers in Transport Tycoon since the 1990s - take them as far away as you can, as fast as you can, and you'll make the most money. They don't have any care where you take them.
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Re: Creating Passenger Networks in Transport Tycoon

Post by Zakos »

Precisely, and the same goes for any type of cargo. If you have steel, any factory will take it.
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